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An Eternal Memorial, from the Eternal City:

Mishnayos or Gemara learned l’iluy nishmas, by a select group of talmidei chachamim in Yerushalayim.

The Mishnas Olam organization consists of a large group of avreichim in Jerusalem who regularly complete the entire Shas Mishnayos. These avreichim are available to study Mishnayos on demand, and the merit of their Torah study will accrue in Heaven to benefit the sponsors of Mishnas Olam and their families or loved ones.

Le'iluy Nishmas

Up in the World of Truth, the neshamah recognizes the stunning impact of a single mitzvah in a way we in this world can’t fully appreciate – and, as a result...

Other Services

While Mishnayos study for the neshamah holds primacy in our tradition, Mishnas Olam offers many other options for Torah study and prayer, to suit your personal interests and needs.

Sponsors & Donations

The following suggested donations are for learning in the merit of one individual.

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Testimonials and Haskamos

Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits
Rav of Sanhedria Hamurchevet

"I would strongly recommend this as an appropriate way to honor a dear one. The zechus of limud haTorah and hachzakass haTorah is immense and serves as an Iluy Neshama of the highest order. The merit of this great mitzvah should also serve as a zechus for all who contribute to assist this worthy project. "

Read more Testimonials and Haskamos


Entire Shas

  • Shas mishnayos every day for entire Shloshim
  • Shas mishnayos every month for a year
  • Shas Bavli in One Day
  • Keilim, Chapter 24
  • Mikvaos, Chapter 7


Entire Shas

  • Shas mishnayos every day for entire Shloshim
  • Shas mishnayos every month for a year
  • Shas Bavli in One Day
  • Keilim, Chapter 24
  • Mikvaos, Chapter 7

Special Services

  • Shas mishnayos every day for entire Shloshim
  • Shas mishnayos every month for a year
  • Shas Bavli in One Day
  • Keilim, Chapter 24
  • Mikvaos, Chapter 7

Please Note: To avoid disappointment, please place your orders as early as possible. Last-minute orders may entail a surcharge. We are sometimes compelled to turn down an order due to insufficient notice. Please see our price list for details.

Get In Touch

Mishnas Olam’s services are not limited to Mishnayos learning. We work with you to provide the learning or service you find most meaningful – whether it is Gemara learning, Kaddish recital, Sefer Tehillim recited by the Kosel or at a kever, or any other sefer limud.
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